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  • Writer's pictureSerene Feteih

Hello 2018!

Updated: Feb 23

Here we are a week into the year and I honestly don’t know how I am getting through, everything seems like a blur. I haven’t ended my relationship with 2017 just yet and I intend to bring closure today by reflecting and squeezing out all the juicy wisdom and learnings I’ve had over the past 12 months.

Any unfinished business will come into this year and will be a focal point of improvement. I trust and believe that no matter what, who and where life puts me this year, it is for my growth.

My leaning into perspectives for this year will be resilience, responsibility, respect, resourcefulness and risk-taking.

I believe that greatness and growth never came from comfort zones. However being stretched to what I feel is sometimes beyond my limits has been quite a challenge. I promise to be gentle with the self, to trust that no matter how hard circumstances may get I will survive. I will grow. I am resilient.

I promise to stay true to myself, to connect with the leader within me and to accept that some things are out of my control. I will not worry too much because worrying takes me away from the present moment and what matters now.

I will use every moment in 2018 to make memories, to have fun with the people that matter most to me, to grow with courage and choice, to be of service to others and to smile no matter what.

I promise to no longer settle for things that do not serve me or my growth. I promise to focus on my growth and not worry too much about what others think. I promise to embrace the mistakes and learn from them rather than play it safe and stay where I am.

I will focus on improving my heartset as much as my mindset this year.

I look forward to creating a full fat rich year of juicy learnings and memories with you 2018.

If you haven’t yet reflected on the past year and what to take away with you from it, it’s not too late. No one said starting the year off slow is a bad idea. You do what works for you, but do try to spend some time to reflect and journal about it.

Wishing you all a blessed 2018 full of inner peace, growth and gratitude.

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